This past Saturday I had my first Equine shoot. I had goosebumps the whole time. These creatures are amazing, such gentle giants. They are such people animals. I kind of got the impression that they thought they were kittens or small lap dogs. They could not get enough attention. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.
Champ the big teddy bear.
Kit thinks he is the Brad Pitt of horses. He always had to be in front of the camera.
Miss Penny was a total doll. Poor girls has to fight them off with a stick.
Sheila, I tried to leave a comment a few minutes ago when I was on your blog and couldn't get it to work. It better work this time so you will know that I visited your blog. You do incredible work. I can't wait to have Jonathan's Sr. pics done. I am going to have to start saving now because I seriously will have to spend a fortune. You really have a gift. Robbie
I really think that your photographs atleast rival if they aren't better than any others that i have seen. I do think that the equine photos are splendid and you truly captured the majestics of the animals. I was wondering though, if you have done any more family shoots recently.?.?..HOpe all is well and best wishes for the fall! ~impressed in NAC
These photos are beautiful. I love the second one and the last one especially.
I tried to leave a comment a few minutes ago when I was on your blog and couldn't get it to work. It better work this time so you will know that I visited your blog. You do incredible work. I can't wait to have Jonathan's Sr. pics done. I am going to have to start saving now because I seriously will have to spend a fortune. You really have a gift.
I really think that your photographs atleast rival if they aren't better than any others that i have seen. I do think that the equine photos are splendid and you truly captured the majestics of the animals. I was wondering though, if you have done any more family shoots recently.?.?..HOpe all is well and best wishes for the fall! ~impressed in NAC
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